Saturday, August 15, 2009


So, apparently, toothpicks are stronger than they appear. Last night I was picking up Orion's room and knelt/rammed my knee into one. Don't ask me why there was a toothpick in my 2-year old's room, but there was. And it went through my jeans...then into my knee about a 1/2 inch. It hurt a lot. I tried to get it out, but couldn't, so ended up going to urgent care where they pumped it full of lidocaine and pulled it out. Then they proceeded to stab me in the arm with a tetanus shot. Yay for me...

We hit 25 weeks last week. It's amazing how quickly time goes!!!! Tom, Jason, and David (Tom's dad) finished the roof this morning, so that's finally out of the way. I have a candle party tomorrow, and that should be fun. I'm hoping I get a better turn-out this time than I did last time.

I've decided to pay Amy $25/week to clean my house. Sure, I could do it, but I'm exhausted most of the time, and Tom doesn't want to do anything since he works his butt off all day, which I completely understand. It's just hard at this point to do it all myself. So, it's worth it to me to pay someone else to do it. It's hard being pregnant and then trying to find the motivation to do anything. Add a very active toddler to the mix and it's almost impossible. I cleaned for the candle party, of course, and finally finished the downstairs. It's SO roomy down there now!! Tom's hoping to move a fish tank down sometime this weekend if Nash comes over early for the party. If not, it'll happen eventually I'm sure.


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