I know I shouldn't get upset about it. Tom works hard so that we can afford for me to stay home and raise our son (and whatever we're having next). I get this. That doesn't mean I feel any less crappy half the time. Tom's been working overtime to make for nice pay checks (which is great) but I feel like Orion never sees him, and when he does, it's for like an hour a day. We *might* get a bath done in that hour some days, but more than likely, we won't.
I'm just feeling quite lonely, I guess. I can't remember the last time Tom and I had a romantic anything much less flowers just because or a note saying "I love you". Then again, Tom's *never* been a romantic guy, so I guess I don't really get to complain about that either. I guess I just don't see why he doesn't get it (or guys in general for that matter). I'm home all day, raising his son (not to mention pregnant with his second child), trying to clean (let's face it, it never gets done), doing the shopping, cooking dinner (unless it's steak which he grills), etc etc etc, and then I'm still expected to want to have sex after everything is said and done (and I feel guilty when I don't want to). Ignore the fact that we don't actually have conversations about anything other than RC stuff, the fish, Orion, or the yard. I have to come up with conversation about what store we went to or how much I saved on the new mop I bought because my day is *really* that boring. Sure, I could go out and do stuff but then I'd feel guilty about spending money, even if it was just on gas to get there. It's like I live by myself with a toddler, except there's a third person to pick up after as well.
Orion and I do get out. We go for walks when the weather's nice and we play at the park or in the green area by the house. It gets us out of the house and Orion really enjoys it, so that's good. Almost every day he says "Walk, OK" because he wants to go play. It's nice that he's that active but I honestly don't know what I'm going to do when the baby gets here...it's hard enough with ONE, much less a toddler who wants to get into everything and a tiny baby. And, Tom will continue to work long hours so that I can continue to stay home...the worst part is that even if I wanted to go back to work, we couldn't afford the day care. So, I guess I really shouldn't complain about that either.