Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Who needs sleep?

We've hit 31 weeks!!! 7 1/2 weeks to go...yay! (Or..."Holy shit! Where did the time go!!!???" as the case may be.)

This baby is sitting SO low!! I wake up every morning with sore hips...LOL Maybe that means we're more favorable for a natural birth?? Or she just likes the "Pelvic Pillow"...

The doctor's appointment went really well Friday. Our little one is measuring in the 40th percentile (so RIGHT where she should be), and I haven't gained any weight in a month. I'm stoked about that. We'll have another appointment next week (the 2nd?) and then the week after that I have to start going twice a week for the non-stress tests and the bio-physical profiles. I can't believe it's already time for those...but they're fun and I'll get to see a lot more of the little one!

Poor Orion has allergies. Normally, it's not an issue, but they hit in full-force the last couple of days. Sunday he started getting the runny nose and it all went down-hill from there. Poor little guy tried sleeping Sunday night, but with the snot running down the back of his throat he started coughing so hard he threw up. Everywhere. And Mommy doesn't handle throw-up well...at all. He ended up sleeping in our bed that night because we were worried about him. He'd wake up unable to breathe even and we wanted him close (because we're paranoid parents like that). He did OK yesterday (even got his nap in!) and last night wasn't too horrible. We were giving him some childrens' Claritin, but it doesn't seem to be helping much...other than the fact that he's not puking I guess. Otherwise, he is in great spirits until I make him blow his nose. He hates that.


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