Tuesday, June 23, 2009

This Weekend Sucked

OK, so we went to Brooks for Tom's helicopter thing. I had no delusions whatsoever that he would be spending time with Orion and I except for at night and in the mornings when we woke up. BUT, I didn't expect that he would pretty much ignore the fact that we existed this weekend. Granted, I did stay in the motor home a lot reading, but really, what else was I going to do? It still was no excuse for me to have to repeat things six times before he even realized I was talking to him or for Orion to have to cry all the time because he wanted to spend time with Daddy. He could have spent time with Daddy, but it wouldn't have been any fun because the only thing Tom said to him this weekend was "no" and unless Orion was in Tom's direct point of view playing with his tools, Tom didn't say three words to him either. I know he was having fun, and for that I am happy. But it's ridiculous. There's another helicopter thing in September at the same place and I think it would just be better if Tom went by himself. Granted, he'll forget to eat, but he's a big boy and can figure that out on his own. It's just no use for us to go and feel horrible the whole time. Plus, I'll be 7 months pregnant in September and the last thing I want to do is spend all week chasing a toddler and then all weekend trying to keep him out of everyone's hair. And yeah, I understood that we wouldn't spend time together, but when he actually utters the words "I didn't come here to spend time with you and Orion" he just sounds like a douche.

It would be really nice if I could justify a weekend for me, but I just can't see how. I feel guilty when I spend money since I'm not working, which blows. Plus, all the things I like to do they frown upon while you're pregnant. Shooting, white-water rafting, riding horses...there's really not a whole lot my doctor will consent to since I'm already technically "high risk". *sigh*

Orion has learned how to climb over his baby gate, so I'm not sure what we're going to do about that. He came into our room this morning at 2 am and wanted to climb into bed with us. That's all fine and dandy, and yeah, the snuggles are nice, but he is going to have to learn that he can't just sleep in our bed whenever he wants to. We put him back in his bed (well, Tom did) and then he was right back in at 5. Since I'd been awake since 2 (once I'm awake, I'm awake), the second time I just got up myself and let the boys sleep. I've been sleeping like crap lately anyway, so it's not really like I'm missing out on much...lol

I can't wait for July 7th! We'll have our next ultrasound then and hopefully the technician will be able to tell us what we're having. Tom won't be able to come to this one because he's already taken a lot of time off the past few weeks. It sucks, but it'll be fine. He's gone to a couple which is really nice but with his position at work now he just can't get to them all. We were super disappointed that we didn't get to find out at this last ultrasound because more than anything he really wanted to be there for that. It bums me out that he won't be.

I started feeling the baby for sure last week, which was really awesome, and felt it a lot this weekend. Apparently it likes chili. heh

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